Dr. Hynan specializes primarily in the field of child custody evaluations, and he is noted in the field as an expert on the subject, as indicated by the popularity of his CHILD CUSTODY EVALUATION: NEW THEORETICAL APPLICATIONS AND RESEARCH (2014, Charles C. Thomas Publisher).

While most families have their only child custody (allocation of parental responsibilities) evaluation carried out by Dr. Hynan, others have had a prior evaluation carried out by a different provider and are unhappy with it. Dr. Hynan frequently conducts another evaluation when an order for it has been put in place.

In certain cases, Dr. Hynan conducts a Work Product Review of a prior evaluation, examining it closely according to multiple criteria that pertain to evaluation quality. For more information, see the Consultation section of this website.

In addition, Dr. Hynan carries out individual psychotherapy, marital/couples therapy, and family therapy.

Dr. Hynan is able to obtain licensure to provide services in many other states in addition to Illinois. If you need services outside of Illinois, call him to discuss it.

Here is a listing of the areas of service Dr. Hynan provides:

  • Evaluations of the Allocation of Parental Responsibilities/Child Custody (e.g., IL 604.10(b) & 604.10(c))
  • Evaluations of Restrictions of Parental Responsibilities/Parenting Time and Decision-Making (e.g., IL 604.10(b) & 604.10(c))
  • Relocation/Move Away Evaluations (e.g., IL 604.10(b) & 604.10(c))
  • Mental Examinations (IL Supreme Court Rule 215(a))
  • Feigning/Malingering Evaluations
  • Work Product Review
  • Expert Witness
  • Individual Psychotherapy
  • Marital Therapy
  • Family Therapy
  • Professional Speaking